George, P.D., del Prado Hill, P., Reichenberg, J.S., Daniels, K. (2022). Moving to new places and spaces: PDS and global literacy engagement. PDS Partners, 17(1) 5-8.
George, P. & Nati, R. (2020). The Global Literacy Channel: Teaching readers and writers around the globe. In P. del Prado Hill & K. Garas-York (Eds.), The impact of PDS in challenging times. Information Age Publishing.
Truesdell, K. (2017). A Local PDS turns into a Global Book Hour. In K. Garas-York, P. del Prado Hill, L. Day, K. Truesdell, & S. Keller-Mathers (Eds.), Doing PDS: Stories and strategies from successful clinically rich practice. Information Age Publishing, 63-67.
Truesdell, K. S., & del Prado Hill, P. (2015). Family literacy and global literature. The Reading Teacher, 68(6), 430–434. doi:10.1002/trtr.1337
Interviewed by Penny Wolfgang:
Interviewed for SUNY television program, Family & Community Focus to discuss the Global Book Project
Featured in the Buffalo State Alumni Association about the Global Book Hour 10th anniversary celebration:
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