Club HoLA
Current Book List - Spring 2017
- Moon Rope / Un Lazo a la Luna by Lois Ehlert (Peruvian folktale)
- My Name is Gabriela/Me Llamo Gabriela: The Life of Gabriela Mistral/La Vida de Gabriela Mistral by Monica Brown, illustrated by John Parra (Chile)
- Scholastic Weekly Reader in Spanish
Previous Book Lists
Fall 2016 Books
- Las Huellas Secretas / The Secret Footprints by Julia Alvarez, illustrated by Fabian Negrin (Dominican Republic)
- Pablo Neruda: Poet of the People by Monica Brown, illustrated by Julie Paschkis (Chile)
Spring 2016 Books
- Dear Primo: A Letter to My Cousin by Duncan Tonatiuh (Mexico & America)
- Sonia Sotomayor: A Judge Grows in Brooklyn / La Juez Que Creció en el Bronx by Jonah Winter, illustrated by Edel Rodriguez
Fall 2015 Books
- De Colores and Other Latin American Folks Songs for Children by Jose-Luis Orozco (Latin America)
- ¡Qué Cosas Dice mi Abuela! / What Things My Grandmother Says by Ana Galán
- Las Huellas Secretas / The Secret Footprints by Julia Alvarez, illustrated by Fabian Negrin (Dominican Republic)
Spring 2015 Books
- Todos los colores de nuestra piel / All the Colors We Are by Katie Kissinger, photographs by Wernher Krutein
- Hairs / Pelitos by Sandra Cisneros, illustrations by Terry Ybanez
- What Can You Do with a Paleta by Carmen Tafolla, illustrations by Amy Morales
Fall 2014 Books
- Juan Bobo Busca Trabajo / Juan Bobo Goes to Work by Marisa Montes, illustrated by Joe Cepeda (Puerto Rico)
- Pelé el Rey del Fútbol / Pelé the King of Soccer by Monica Brown, illustrations by Rudy Guttierez (Brazil)
Spring 2014 Books
- Lado a Lado: La Historia de Dolores Huerta y Cesar Chavez / Side by Side: The Story of Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez by Monica Brown, illustrated by Joe Cepeda (U.S.)
- La Velita de los Cuentos / The Storyteller's Candle by Lucia Conzalez, illustrated by Lulu Delacre (Puerto Rico/U.S.)
- Iguanas en la Nieve: Y Otros Poemas de Invierno / Iguanas in the Snow: And Other Winter Poems by Francisco Alarcon, illustrated by Maya Christina Gonzalez
- Los Angeles Andan en Bicicleta: Y Otros Poemas de Otono / Angels Ride Bikes: And Other Fall Poems by Francisco Alarcon, illustrated by Maya Christina Gonzalez
Fall 2013 Books
- My Name is Gabriela/Me Llamo Gabriela (Bilingual): The Life of Gabriela Mistral/La Vida de Gabriela Mistral by Monica Brown, illustrated by John Parra (Chile)
- The Cazuela that the Farm Maiden Stirred by Samantha Vamos, illustrated by Rafael López (Latin America)
- Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match /Marisol McDonald No Combina by Monica Brown, illustrated by Sara Palacios (Peru)
Spring 2013 Books
- Pablo Neruda: Poet of the People by Monica Brown, illustrated by Julie Paschkist (Chile)
- My Name Is Gabito/Me Llamo Gabito: The Life of Gabriel García Márquez/La Vida de Gabriel García Márquez by Monica Brown, illustrated by Raúl Colón (Columbia)
- Laughing Tomatoes: And Other Spring Poems / Jitomates Risuenos: Y Otros Poemas de Primavera by Francisco Alarcón, illustrated by Maya Christina Gonzalez (U.S.)
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