“I keep bringing [my nephew] back to Global Book Hour because he asks to come back, he enjoys it so it’s not something that I have to drag him to….I think it’s so good for him to be exposed to the literacy and not only just by himself but with other kids. So he learns from the kids around him and it’s something that he looks forward to every weekend.”
“I keep bringing my two children back to book hour because I home school so they get a little bit of everything vocabulary, history, and they get to travel the world, they get arts and crafts, and they get a healthy snack. Those are things I want to encourage as a homeschooling parent.”
“I bring my children to GBH because I think it is a good experience in reading and it helps to foster their desire to read and learn about new things. GBH presents a lot of great countries and just great stories for them to learn about.”
"They enjoy coming and it helps them to love reading…just this week my four year old made a book for mama when she was at work. She did what we did at GBH a couple of weeks earlier and she made a book to give to mama , so I know its helped her love reading and enjoy reading so that’s a good thing. I think it has helped our 8 year old; she’s gotten better at reading through reading more books."
“There are so many good things about Global Book Hour. I like how they bring the kids together and they really involve the children they ask them the questions instead of just giving them the answers. They wanna know what the kids are all thinking and what their views are on the story and I think that’s great that they kind of give the kids a chance to speak.”
“The books. They get great books, a wide variety of experiences, [and] they expose them to a lot of different nationalities and cultures.”
"My favorite part is the reading and the interesting books I wouldn’t find out about other than coming here; they’re really interesting books and very diverse range of topics, and good topics, and good books for the kids."
“I definitely think it has increased his interest [in reading]. He picks up on a lot more words just from reading the books. He’ll recognize the words and the sentences and things like that, but it’s definitely increased his interest. He’s always interested in re-reading the books here and more at home and besides that, he’ll go and he’ll tell his friends about the story.”
“I do find that my two year old is becoming more interested in books and the books that we bring to the house I have them in my room so he’s encouraged to look at them before we go to bed. And my daughter, she’s always been a strong reader and I think that encouraging her to read books that she normally wouldn’t want to read is very important and …she even has gone to the library to pick out other books by the same author.”
“I believe that GBH helps to foster the desire to read and learn. I believe it does help them with their reading in school and just helps them continue on being great readers in school."
"Well, I think definitely for literacy development. One is in school and she does very well in reading, but the other one, I think its really helped her love to read and I think it’s really good; really helpful."
“In the beginning he was very shy and very quiet. Now he gets up and does the activity and talks to other kids. Besides his social interaction here, also when we get home with his friends he tells them all about it and tells them about the story so all of the lessons that they learned from these stories they transfer for him back home and…just now we were learning about trees and now he wants to go home and plant a garden, so all of that stuff transfers for him.”
“I think GBH has had an impact on my child’s social interaction greatly. My youngest two children, actually all three of my children, tend to be very quiet and reserved children; not really participating a lot, and here at GBH, I noticed week after week they’ve joined the circles, they interact with the children more, and they’re a little bit more independent…”
“Most definitely, we definitely read a lot more at home because before it was something like alright lets read a story and he was interested but now he’s much more excited so we read a lot more together and it’s something that he enjoys doing now and he’s learned now that reading really can be fun and it’s not a chore and it’s not something that he has to do but it’s something that he loves doing.”
“GBH has helped me continue the tradition at home and being more involved in their literacy. Sometimes we re-visit the books that we get at GBH, we read them again, [and] we go over things. The crafts help foster that at home as well, so it’s pretty good at continuing developing their reading skills.”
"I would think so, yes, my wife usually does most of the educational supervision, but this has helped come and be more involved in the literacy for both of them."
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